All lines of work involve hazards to one degree or another. For some, though, the risk of injury or death is far greater than others.
According to Time Magazine, the following are among the top 25 most dangerous jobs in the United States, measured by fatality rate:
- Construction workers: It’s no surprise that construction work involves numerous hazards – powerful machinery, dangerous heights, unstable surfaces, heavy lifting and falling objects, to name a few.
- Lumber workers: Logging often requires the use of heavy equipment on unstable ground. Massive – and sometimes unpredictable – falling trees also pose a significant danger.
- Iron and steel workers: Like construction workers, metal workers face the potential for deadly falls on a near-daily basis. They are also at risk for getting crushed by heavy objects or suffering fatal injuries from powerful equipment.
- Police officers and firefighters: In regularly confronting tense situations, both of these occupations involve venturing into the line of fire.
- Garbage collectors: It’s not only a dirty job, but also a dangerous one. Collisions and other accidents involving garbage trucks contribute to high mortality rates.
- Roofers: Exhausting manual labor, strenuous working conditions and extreme heights all make roofing a dangerous industry. Even with the right safety equipment, accidents still happen.
- Cab drivers: Not only are taxi drivers at increased risk of vehicle accidents – owing to the sheer number of hours they spend behind the wheel – but they are also frequent targets of violent crime.
If you work in one of these industries, it’s important to stay safe by always using the right safety equipment, following other safety protocols and remaining vigilant about potential dangers.