Full Tort vs. Full Coverage: What You Should Know

Auto insurance terminology can be very confusing for Pennsylvania drivers. There are many terms that are similar, but represent completely different things. For example, full tort coverage and full coverage are two different insurance concepts. Unfortunately, one is frequently mistaken for the other, which can prove costly in the event of a car crash.

At Shollenberger, Januzzi & Wolfe, LLP, our lawyers want people to understand how car insurance works. We want people to know the terminology. We want people to have the information they need to make the right decisions about insurance policies. With decades of experience handling automobile insurance issues, we are ready to educate people about their options.

Full Tort Coverage And Limited Tort Coverage

Tort coverage addresses the ability to file a claim for damages in the event of injuries suffered in a motor vehicle collision. Full tort coverage allows the victim to file a claim for all damages, including medical costs, lost wages, as well as noneconomic damages such as pain and suffering. Unless one of a number of exceptions applies, limited tort coverage allows the victim to file a claim for economic losses only. While limited tort coverage is typically less expensive than full tort coverage, it may also prevent the policyholder from obtaining substantial compensation that he or she would otherwise be able to pursue.

Full Coverage Insurance Is A Different Concept

Full coverage insurance refers to an insurance policy that includes collision coverage (coverage of damages to vehicles as a result of a collision) and comprehensive coverage (coverage of damages to vehicles as a result of non-collision incidents such as theft or fire). Full coverage insurance may also include liability coverage. The alternative to full coverage is typically liability coverage only, which offers much less protection.

Learn More From An Experienced Attorney

Ultimately, the concepts of full tort coverage and full coverage need to be considered separately. We can help you review your options. We also represent auto accident victims who need help sorting through these insurance issues. Call us at 717-229-6580 or send us an email. Our law firm has offices in Harrisburg and Enola.