Learn How SSDI Benefits Can Help You If You’re Disabled

It’s hard to tell how long a job-related injury will keep you away from work. Similar injuries can affect different people in different ways, and people don’t respond the same way to treatment and medications. If your recovery looks like it might last for a year or longer before you’re ready to return to work, you might be eligible for Social Security disability insurance (SSDI) benefits.

To learn about the claims process and eligibility criteria for Social Security disability, contact a knowledgeable attorney at Shollenberger Januzzi & Wolfe for dependable advice and thoroughly committed client service.

How You Can Qualify

Your right to Social Security disability payments depends on the proof of two main points: recent work history and a medically identifiable impairment that will disable you from working for a period of at least one year.

You don’t need to prove an occupational injury to qualify for SSDI benefits. Any traumatic injury, chronic health problem or combination of impairments will support your right to payment if the evidence shows that you’re disabled from working for one year or longer. The eligibility standards vary by age and education level, and tend to favor people over 50.

If you don’t qualify for SSDI benefits, and your income and assets are below a certain threshold, you might be eligible for disability benefits through Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

We Can Help You With Claim Denials

Most SSDI claims are rejected on the first application and a written request for reconsideration. Your first chance to prove your disability arrives at the third stage of the Social Security disability claims process: an administrative appeals hearing before a judge. That’s where our skill with medical evidence and courtroom procedures can benefit you the most.

Many Of Our Clients Have Additional Sources Of Recovery

At Shollenberger Januzzi & Wolfe, many of our SSDI clients came to us originally for help with a workers’ compensation claim or a personal injury lawsuit. We get the chance to get to know you, your medical condition and your progress toward recovery while we’re helping you with a workers’ comp or negligence claim. If it appears that you will end up missing a year or more of work, we can review your potential disability case and determine the best course of action with respect to all of your claims.

Learn More About SSDI Benefits

We can advise you about the likelihood that you can qualify for SSDI payments whether or not we have represented you on another injury claim. For more information about our ability to represent you on a Social Security disability claim, contact us today for a free consultation.