Before we begin today’s post, we have to correct a report that we highlighted in a prior post. We incorrectly indicated that the first stoplight appeared 1915 in Cleveland, Ohio, which would have made the common stoplight 100 years old this year. The first stoplight actually appeared in 1914, which would have made the invention 100 years old last year.
In light of what traffic lights do for us today, it is important for drivers to use additional care while on the road this holiday weekend. Labor Day weekend, like Memorial Day and the Fourth of July, can be dangerous for drivers. As we have noted in a prior post, alcohol plays a part in many holiday weekend crashes.
However, alcohol is not the only thing that can create calamities on the road. Driver error is the primary culprit, and there are several things that drivers can do to limit the harm that such errors can create. This post will highlight them.
Drive for the conditions – The forecast doesn’t call for any heavy precipitation, but drivers must still be aware of traffic conditions. There are some areas where traffic can slow down very quickly. In these spots, it is especially important to maintain a safe distance to avoid rear-end crashes. .
Put down the phone – Just because we haven’t seen a bevy of public service announcements doesn’t mean that talking or texting while driving is no longer dangerous. For those who absolutely need to use their phones, pulling over is the safest bet.
Calm down – High temperatures can lead to hot tempers. Instead of trying to get revenge when someone cuts you off, take a minute to breathe so that the moment will pass without incident.