If there is one thing that people in central Pennsylvania look forward to in September, it is Labor Day weekend. Now that the last holiday of the summer has come and gone, the focus is now on school; and of course, football.
But before people can enjoy the games, they have to work through the week. Monday through Friday, they must commute back and forth between home and the office. In doing so, they must pay attention to all of the children who are walking to school or riding their bikes.
In prior posts, we have noted how a number of drivers may disregard signals that a bus is stopped to load and unload children. While most drivers know to obey those signals, there is still a danger to children because of how drivers still use their cell phones while driving, or may want to take some time out of their commute.
With school starting again, it is particularly important for drivers to keep a lookout for children crossing the street; especially when they are getting off the bus. After all, drivers have a continuing duty to use reasonable care when behind the wheel. This means that they must look out for hazards, drive according to posted speed limits, and follow signals telling them to slow down or stop.
Should a driver fail to adhere to this duty, and a person is injured as a result, the driver could be held liable. Essentially, the injured party could seek monetary compensation for their injuries.