Injuries in car accidents can have life-altering consequences. The same can be said with falls and sports injuries. This is especially apparent when it comes to head injuries, and we have written several posts on how people with head injuries could have tough roads to recovery. However, just like not every injured person is the same, neither is every head injury.

 As such, it is important to know about the different forms of head injuries so that you can be properly diagnosed. As we have said before, the ability to promptly and correctly diagnose an injury could prevent a minor injury from progressing to a major one. 

Concussions – This is known as the most common head injury. Concussions are suffered when a person suffers direct head trauma (e.g. being kicked, punched or being hit by a foreign object). Concussions are notoriously suffered in sports (particularly football).

Diffuse Axonal Injuries – When a person is shaken or spun violently, chances are that the brain can come in contact with the skull in unusual fashions. When this happens, the brain can suffer tears as it shears against the skull. Shaken baby syndrome is a common example of a diffuse axonal injury. The tears can result in neuro-chemical disruptions that can affect important brain functions and even result in severe injuries and even death.

Contusions – A contusion is essentially a bruise on the brain. Like other parts of the body where a bruise is suffered, a collection of blood develops under the skin, and a brain contusion is no different. However,  a brain contusion could turn in a blot clot can have serious consequences.
