There is something to be said about persistence and perseverance. These two elements are the great equalizers over talent and genius. After all, there is an entire world of unsuccessful people who claim to be talented as well as highly intelligent people afraid to take chances. Albert Einstein once played down his genius by saying “it’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”

We certainly don’t want to minimize our expertise in solving legal problems, but we have also traveled a long, winding path to get to where we are today. This week we celebrate 20 years of practice in Central Pennsylvania. In 1993 we started a law practice with two staff members, two attorneys, a small rented office and a leap of faith. However, we had the persistence and perseverance to bring nothing but the best legal services to each client. 

Over the past two decades, we have earned a number of accolades for our work and contributions to the community. Tim Shollenberger has been honored as one of the top 100 trial lawyers in Pennsylvania and has earned membership into the Million Dollar Advocates Forum. Karl Januzzi has become a highly regarded workers’ compensation lawyer because of his client first approach to resolving disputes. Adam Wolfe has been with the firm since he graduated from law school and now serves as the firm’s managing partner. He has also been selected by Super Lawyers and Philadelphia Magazine as one of the state’s top lawyers that have been in practice under 10 years.

By following the principles the firm was founded upon we look forward to celebrating anniversaries for years to come. 
