Let’s face it, when we think about drivers who would be prone to distracted driving, we may think about teen drivers and those in their early 20’s. After all, this age group is more likely to be obsessed with their online social profiles, are more inclined to talk on the phone while driving, and attempt to check their Facebook pages while behind the wheel. More importantly, automakers are including interactive offerings in vehicles geared towards younger drivers, such as voice activated text message components and Bluetooth systems that allow mobile devices to be synced with the car.
With all the dangers that can come with texting and driving, you would think that parents would know better. However, a study conducted by the University of Michigan found that parents with children in the vehicle were just as prone to engage in what can be considered distracted driving.
Through the study, parents were surveyed on whether they had consumed meals while driving, passed snacks to kids while driving, or were looking too much at GPS displays.
According to researchers, 90 percent of the parents questioned indicated that they have engaged in some form of distracted driving. Indeed, a higher percentage of parents said that they ate and drank while driving instead of talking on cell phones or texting.
So while this may be a revelation, it is a reminder that parents, just like young drivers, must use reasonable care while driving. This especially means that they must minimize distractions so that they can avoid hazards.