Almost all of us in Pennsylvania have heard the refrain — and seen the bumper stickers — urging drivers to start seeing motorcycles. Unfortunately, it is still often the case that this is easier said than done. This point is underscored when motorcycle accidents — many of which are preventable — take place on Pennsylvania roads.
Earlier this week, a 63-year-old man operating a motorcycle in Washington Township was killed when he collided with a pickup truck near a restaurant. The truck was turning left into the restaurant’s parking lot at the time of the accident; the motorcycle, which was approaching in the opposite direction, crashed into the passenger side of the truck. The passenger on the motorcycle was injured in the crash as well. The motorcycle operator died two days after the crash.
Police did not immediately issue any charges against anyone involved in the accident. However, in many cases when a vehicle is broadsided by another vehicle while turning, it is because one of the vehicles failed to yield. In many cases involving motorcycle crashes, vehicle drivers often fail to the motorcycle until it is too late.
It isn’t clear if that’s what happened in this case, but it can serve as a reminder for drivers to be vigilant on the roads. Even one fatality of a motorcycle rider as a result of another driver’s negligence is too many. Pennsylvanians who have been injured in motorcycle accidents often need to seek compensation for their injuries from any negligent parties.
Source: Herald-Mail Media, “Motorcyclist dies from injuries received in Washington Township crash,” Jennifer Fitch, May 6, 2014