Pennsylvanians know that the campaign against drunk driving has been successful. Compared with a few decades ago, the incidences of drinking and driving — particularly those that lead to a car accident — are down considerably from where they once were. However, until those figures are down to zero, there will be work that needs to be done.
One of the most effective ways of curbing drunk driving among adults is to influence teenage drivers, who will be more aware of the heavy price that can be paid for drinking and driving when they become adults. But are these teen drivers more likely to be mindful of this knowledge while they are still young?
According to a survey commissioned by an insurance company and a student driving advocacy group, teenagers might tell their parents that they are aware of safe practices — but they don’t always live up to them. For example, to parents, the concept of a designated driver means that the person taking that role doesn’t have anything to drink. For many teens, however, a designated driver is merely the member of the group who has had the least to drink, or seems the most sober. This, of course, defeats the purpose of having a designated driver.
The survey also found that 10 percent of teenage drivers who say they never drive while drunk did admit to occasionally driving after drinking. These sorts of findings are especially crucial because high school prom season is on the horizon, when many teens might be inclined to drink and driver.
Central Pennsylvania residents who have been injured in accidents when another party was negligent — including if another driver was drinking — might be eligible to receive compensation for their injuries.
Source: Forbes, “Drunk Driving: Teens Talk The Talk, Don’t Always Walk The Walk,” Jim Henry, March 21, 2014