Based on the premise of a legislative effort in Pennsylvania, there is a right and wrong way to use a learner’s permit. Motorcycle riders in the state, according to lawmakers, have been abusing the existing motorcycle learner’s permit system.
That supposed abuse has traffic safety implications and therefore, has inspired safety advocates to draft and likely pass a new law. House Bill 892 now only needs the approval of Gov. Tom Corbett to change permit and driver’s licensing laws for motorcyclists in Pennsylvania.
The House of Representatives and the Senate have both approved the motorcycle-safety bill. If officially passed, those who want to ride motorcycles would be encouraged to be fully licensed. As-is, riders can just reapply for permits over and over, which allows them to avoid the steps and experience it takes to get a license.
Basically, supporters of the bill believe that getting a license instead of having a permit would make for riders who are more prepared, educated, experienced and therefore less likely to cause motorcycle accidents in Pennsylvania. If passed, the law would only allow someone to reapply for a permit three times in five years. After that, they’d have to go through the steps to get fully licensed if they want to drive a motorcycle.
There is no doubt that preventing motorcycle accidents is a multi-pronged effort. Laws governing riders can be helpful, but only if other motorists are following the laws that guide them on the roads as well. If a driver fails to see a motorcyclist or makes an illegal turn that injures a biker, the permit and license laws will not have contributed to that negligence.
Someone who was hurt in a motorcycle accident that was caused by a careless motorist should talk to a personal injury lawyer who understands the tough situation that bikers face following a traffic accident. An injured rider should not be made to feel like he did something wrong he or she is the victim of a crash.
Source: ABC 27, “Pa. motorcycle-safety bill clears legislature,” Myles Snyder, Dec. 17, 2013